Best Houseplants for Your Home: Promoting Clean Air and Healthy Living

Best-Indoor-plants-Houseplants-Your-Home Clean-Air Healthy-Living-Purified Air-Healthy Living-VOCs- Snake Plant- Golden Pothos- Peace Lily- Bamboo Palm- Aloe Vera

Best Houseplants for Your Home: Promoting Clean Air and Healthy Living

Many already know that bringing a potted plan into their space will make their home more beautiful. But did you know? that there are a lot of plants that will also purify the air inside and promote good health and wellness in your home.

There are many toxic chemicals lurking around your home, one the most prevalent chemicals for example is formaldehyde, a volatile organic compound that is emitted in low levels by a variety of household building products and furniture. These may cause cancer and has been known to trigger asthma attacks and allergic reactions to the occupants. There are many options of houseplant efficient at removing formaldehyde and other indoor air pollutants in your home. Those who have plants in their homes might also want a little extra help with dealing with improving the air quality for them and their families. If this is something you are interested in, you might want to check out this hands-on test of the popular GermGuardian AC4825 or a similar product.

There has been extensive research conducted over the years proving the many benefits of having a houseplant. One of which was conducted in 1989 by NASA scientists, where they tested a variety of houseplants for their ability to remove formaldehyde from the air. One of the authors, B.C. Wolverton, later wrote a book titled How to Grow Fresh Air, published in 1996 by penguin. Below are some the powerful benefits to consider:

  1. Houseplants will purify the air: Some plants clean the air in your home by taking the carbon dioxide from the air to produce oxygen that you can breathe, according to NASA researchers. They also recommend having one potted plant per 100 square feet in an indoor space.
  2. Houseplants help prevent illnesses: Certain pants can decease the appearance of dry skin, colds, sore throats and even dry coughs according to studies conducted by the Agricultural University of Norway.
  3. Houseplants can promote and boost healing. Kansas State University conducted a study where people with plants in their room, who had been recovering from surgery, experienced a significant improvement in their health by evident lower blood pressure, lower ratings of anxiety and fatigue. In comparison to other patients recovering from the same surgery, who did not have plants in their room, experienced higher ratings of anxiety and fatigue.

Houseplants are medicinal! Like so many other fruits, herbs, roots and food that nature provides us. All we have to do is stay informed and embrace these gifts.

That’s why this month’s spotlight, we decided to featured 5 houseplants that are noted among the best indoor plants to have in your home, and also include their noteworthy characteristics that make them so beneficial to your health.

Best-Indoor-plants-Houseplants-Your-Home Clean-Air Healthy-Living-Purified Air-Healthy Living-VOCs- Snake Plant- Golden Pothos- Peace Lily- Bamboo Palm- Aloe Vera


Best for filtering out both benzene and trichloroethylene, made NASA’s List with a purifying score of 8.4. This plant is a good choice for placing around furniture that could give off formaldehyde and is also known for adding moisture to the air. The bamboo palm does not do well when over watered and prefers humidity, bright, indirect light.

Best-Indoor-plants-Houseplants-Your-Home Clean-Air Healthy-Living-Purified Air-Healthy Living-VOCs- Snake Plant- Golden Pothos- Peace Lily- Bamboo Palm- Aloe Vera


This easy-to-grow plant clears the air from benzene and formaldehyde which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners, paints. Aloe is perfect for a sunny kitchen window, as it requires lots of light. This plant is not just for cleaning your air, the gel inside an aloe plant also heals cuts and burns.

Best-Indoor-plants-Houseplants-Your-Home Clean-Air Healthy-Living-Purified Air-Healthy Living-VOCs- Snake Plant- Golden Pothos- Peace Lily- Bamboo Palm- Aloe Vera


Best for removing all three of most common VOCs — formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene. This hard working plant also combats toluene, xylene and ammonia. Peace Lilies are known for their easy care according to HGTV peace lilies are renowned for their easy care. “The peace lily is hardy, forgiving, and will even let you know when it is thirsty — look for the telltale droop.”

Best-Indoor-plants-Houseplants-Your-Home Clean-Air Healthy-Living-Purified Air-Healthy Living-VOCs- Snake Plant- Golden Pothos- Peace Lily- Bamboo Palm- Aloe Vera


Powerful at removing formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, benzene, toluene and xylene from indoor air. Consider growing it in a hanging basket in your garage because car exhaust is filled with formaldehyde. This will also keep it away from small children and pets, as it is a poisonous plant.

Best-Indoor-plants-Houseplants-Your-Home Clean-Air Healthy-Living-Purified Air-Healthy Living-VOCs- Snake Plant- Golden Pothos- Peace Lily- Bamboo Palm- Aloe Vera


This plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during the night (most plants do so during the day). This fact makes this a perfect plant to add to your bedroom for a clean-air boost while you sleep. It thrives with low light and water.

Earth is full of natural remedies for anything that may ail us. Incorporating these plants in your home will do wonders for your health. So take some time and do your research, find the houseplant that works best for your home or space and remember not only will it improve the appearance of your home, but it will also add a vital element that will promote cleaner air and bring good health to you and your family. Breathing in fresh air will not only make you happier, but also make you feel alive!

You can also keep your home smelling fresh naturally, check out FoodMatters post on The Dangers Of Air Fresheners (Plus 10 Natural Options)

Do you have any natural tricks to keep the air in your home fresh and healthy?

Creatively yours,


3 thoughts on “Best Houseplants for Your Home: Promoting Clean Air and Healthy Living”

    • Thanks Kathy, isn’t it amazing, how so many plants can do so much for our environment both inside and out.

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